Payrolls revised sharply lower; down 818,000 – BLS By—bls-3581387

    Posted by FoldItBackandSlapIt


    1. Another way to phrase it, “Jobs recovery slightly less amazing than initially thought.”

    2. Corrupt current administration lying worst than third world countries. On top of that, they keep hiring more and more government workers that are not needed so that they can distribute money under the guise of an actual job. everything is a scam right before taxpayer’s eyes but people continue to support the current administration.

    3. SnooMarzipans902 on

      And people still aren’t worried about a recession yet.

      Don’t worry buddy you’ll have a great view of it from the cheap seats when you file for bankruptcy after getting laid off (just you wait) and have zero months of expenses saved, because you are truly regarded, not just as a joke

    4. Because the market is rigged and the current admin is not the one who has been running the show since 1992

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