Took a slug today.

    Just a surface scratch.

    Consolidated the position to 1650 INTC $20 calls for Dec of 2026.

    Feel great otherwise.

    On to the next one 💪

    The moon is still the trajectory.

    Posted by dc_chilling17


    1. autistorartist on

      Fellow INTCel in Nana’s Corps.

      Didn’t even check to folio. LEAPS and LOTTOS. My Sep $25 lottos are cooked. Not worried about my 2025 2026 calls. They’ll print.

    2. Yeah those will print. Maybe I should come along for the ride, the discount is pretty spicy…

    3. My guy, I’ve been following this story since the beginning, and I really want to see you proven right.

      If I’m honest, I think you’re going to come out behind, but everyone loves an underdog story. How great will it be if you can tell all the haters you were right all along?

    4. It’s leaps so you got some time. You’re fighting against the current though. Good luck!

    5. ’tis but a scratch, my lord.

      i’ve been dollar cost averaging into this, i dont have the massive balls you do, my balls are micro.

      but i agree with your thesis.

    6. AngusMcTibbins on


    7. I mean by December 2026 even my regarded self could make money… theoretically, hypothetically, potentially, hopefully. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

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