TLDR:  I just found out that over the last decade that my best friend and my wife was cheating on me and now that I have discovered it, she wants a divorce.  She has been my best friend but somehow, she has made me out to be the bad guy.  At the beginning, she said she won the lottery of dads, but 30 days later she filed for divorce and full custody of my children. I have since won custody of my 3 children, but now she is after my retirement accounts.

    Without providing too much detail, the stock price of Wendy's has a correlation to the impact of the divorce. I’ve decided to put some money behind my hopes that the price moves upward. It’s probably a long shot, but here’s to the dream.

    I had AI write me a little theme song…It may beat out Taylor Swift this week.

    I'm investing in Wendy's because my wife cheated on me.
    byu/Important_Ad3373 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Important_Ad3373


    1. Wrong_Phase_5581 on

      I’m sorry to hear that man. She destroyed your life, don’t destroy your own finances. Use that money to take care of your kids and invest it in a total market fund. They need a dad more than ever.

    2. RatherOakyAfterbirth on

      Don’t give her a penny. She cheated on you for 10 years, which was breaking your marriage contract.

      Make sure your lawyer doesn’t give her a fucking inch and he takes her to cleaners for all she’s worth.

      Cheating is a sure fire way for the cheating spouse to get shafted in most states that don’t have automatic 50/50 division of assets. 

      Also if you need to hide assets. Dump all your money into gold bars. Then get a GPS and a waterproof safe, gold bars into the safe, and burry it deep in the wood and mark it with your GPS. Make sure you cover the freshly dug hole with leaves, sticks and other brush so it’s not easily spotted. After a few rain cycles it’ll be back to normal. 

      Then once all your divorce proceedings are finalized cash out your gold and move it back to your asset allocation you had before. 

    3. That sucks big time dude and these situations can send you down a self destructive path but remember the feelings are temporary and you will come out the other side stronger, so make sure you don’t flush your savings down the drain for when that moment comes. Your kids needs you bro, take it easy and good luck moving on.

    4. Going to have Wendy’s for dinner tonight in solidarity and support. And because I work there.

    5. Bud, I feel for you… This is tough, I get it… But your life goes on. Unfortunately, now all the nastiness will start coming out. Protect yourself and the future of your kids! Best of luck to you!!! And do punch that former best friend of yours. What a fuck

    6. the_sound_of_a_cork on

      Maybe just take your kids and treat them to some Wendy’s. Don’t blow it on rash emotional decisions.

    7. Advice from my attorney wrt my ex “she can’t take what you don’t have”. Hide as much as you can where discovery won’t find.

    8. AwarenessOk5979 on

      hey im just a dumb asshole but wanted to lend my emotional support through this time and also reiterate that this is funny but you should think about your kids and pick some more stable investments with, honestly, better returns

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