Going to a Wendy’s job fair convention. After this week. Wish me luck!!


    Posted by Ill-Language2378


    1. Tall-Introduction508 on

      You should’ve been at Wendy’s job fair convention even prior to this loss 🙂

    2. MangoTwistedMetal on

      My favorite loss corn is when they first launch up, touching the sun for a split second. Only to come crashing back down to earth with us regards.

      Chin up OP, there is always Monday

    3. kingofthelost on

      Luckily for you you’re not on the waitlist anymore though for the gold card ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    4. TensionEmbarrassed48 on

      What app is this robinhood? I think this the only app where I seen people go negative lol

    5. At least you’re pre-approved for the gold card. Free wendy’s if you just never pay the card off

    6. BunchSpecial4586 on

      90 dollars, one last hail Mary.

      If you go to Vegas, the gas will cost 50 bucks for 1 way

    7. PuzzleheadedWeb9876 on

      If only you got the gold card this would have never happened. Learn from this mistake

    8. Research_Prevails on

      I think the guy behind the dumpster at my Wendy’s must’ve finally offed himself we have an opening in NorCal

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