MSFT is undervalued. Full port into weeklies. Not selling until they expire.

    Posted by foamboardsbeerme


    1. AlarmingAd2445 on

      Usually when I think a stock is undervalued, I will invest with a long time horizon since it may not recover in the near term. What makes you so confident this will go up in a week? What catalyst

    2. Wrong_Phase_5581 on

      Undervaluation is perhaps the worst justification for buying short term contracts. Unless you believe that there’s a catalyst event that will somehow or other push MSFT to the fair value you calculated within this week, this is confirmation bias. Not trying to bash you but this is a really loosely justified trade.

      Nothing wrong with buying short term options, but don’t justify it with undervaluation because intrinsic value realization is notoriously impossible to time

      Edit: I just looked up these contracts. You’re currently in the green by $4030 as the pic shows, based on the $36 time decay, this weekend you will lose over $2k. Half your profit.

    3. CallMeCaddyshack on

      I think this will work out if NVDA beats, and will fail if NVDA misses. Main catalyst for MSFT by 8/30 is going to be whether there is a rising tide to lift all ships

    4. forcing people to sign up for their services in every windows 11 update it doesn’t seem desperate

    5. CompetitiveSociety0 on

      MSFT moves like a dog. Ive been holding it for a while. Its moving up but very slowly

    6. Does $465c 10/18 sound too risky or should I be fine. I’m too much of a bitch for high premiums

    7. Cheap-Banana-9924 on

      might be undervalued and you might be completely right, but good luck with an entire company correcting on the stock market in less than 7 days

    8. OrneryArmadillo1494 on

      Nit selling until they expire? I thought it was either one of the other. Nothing to sell at expiration. Contract is over.

    9. Yeah its been lagging behind MAG7, only up 1.57% the last 6 months compared to 10% for QQQ/SPY. I am holding $460C for 1/17/2025 but its looking pretty grim![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    10. flabbyflipflops on

      Good luck, I have single 8/30 call at $420 strike price (lol) I’m hoping to get out at a nice green Monday market open for a small return. May buy back in if we see a nice squeeze on Tuesday.

    11. What a stupid trade. Hopefully you have money to burn and this is just entertainment for you.

    12. ManyCommunications on

      Keep my stock’s name out of your fucking mouth. I 75% ported into MSFT and now I’m cooked because of this

    13. Back in 2016 I told my brother to open an account and invest in Microsoft. He randomly texted me a couple months ago and said thanks for the advice and told me he’s been putting $500/month into Microsoft stock the last 8 years lol. Should have took my own advice.

    14. Historical_Buy_1477 on

      I have a $440 cost basis.. I know it’s going to hit its price target of $500.. I just hope it does it before I die…

    15. TAG_Scottsdale on

      Loads calls for next week on a Friday

      Theta gang is jerking off with excitement right now

    16. Rich_Potato_2457 on

      MSFT has room to run but I think this is NVDA’s week to shine. I would’ve bought 2-3 weeks out for a more meaningful move. Honestly I would’ve probly even picked META AAPL or TSLA for a weekly full port over MSFT. MSFT just doesn’t seem to give the dollar movement that the others have more potential to do

    17. “Not selling until they expire” sounds suspiciously like “Can’t sell because they’ll expire worthless”

    18. YakkoWarnerPR on

      week to week price fluctuations are completely random and have nothing to do with valuation LMFAOOOO buy some 2026 calls if you actually think it’s undervalued

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