Intel stocks fell so hard the ceo started praying

    Posted by Negative_Author_1285


    1. That is pretty bearish. Having a religious ceo when your are tech company. I can’t even formulate the stupidity in that logic, just how?

    2. Past-Inside4775 on

      Pat has always posted scripture.

      Also, those layoffs are proving to be a nothing-burger. They enticed people to retire with lucrative buyouts and might consolidate some real estate.

      Still full steam ahead here on the Foundry side of things.

    3. UsedState7381 on

      This again? Is this place really nothing else besides recycling of old memes and YOLOs?

      This guy has been posting biblical verses weekly for years.

    4. Omg this guy is religious! Thank god I don’t have any intel. Dude probably thinks the world is 5k yrs old

    5. Softspokenclark on

      fuck i bought 200 last week for lottos, intel is going to be a ten dollar company soon

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