I’ll be back.


    Posted by Smooth_Wolverine7230


    1. Been there, you can turn it around. Just put what’s left into something great! I believe you can do it.

    2. cold_dietcoke on

      Im still bag holding -40k loss on stock.

      Have realized gain of -28k this year but made back so I got -7k left to pay off. You got this.

    3. Gamble your last 2k into 0dte spy, you either have nothing and start completely fresh or make that with money to spare.

    4. Your PnL went down quicker than the tears that are running down my legs after seeing this post

    5. Hour-Negotiation2597 on

      Your donation is much appreciated – Hedge fund manager![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. NewToInvesting01 on

      It’s crazy that we all are so desensitized to losses like this. People in the comments telling you to yolo the last of it, but $1,920 in groceries could feed yourself for almost half a year at $80/week (which is more than enough for one person). It’s real money folks

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