Soooo, who from BA is gonna “fall out of a window” for this?

    Posted by According_Web_8907


    1. IndividualCustomer50 on

      Amazing how far Boeing have fallen, when a company run by apartheid Clyde has to rescue you

    2. The boeing offering costs $2 billion each launch, is years over time and billions over budget, and when you compare it to spacex, well, yea. This is like getting your ass whooped, and then being draped over a chair and having your gauge increased without lubricant.

    3. blackbarminnosu on

      Article reveals a lot about the mentality of Boeing employees. Obsessing over spacex, while I doubt spacex employees give Boeing a seconds thought.

    4. giant_shitting_ass on

      > Spacex

      > Upstart 

      They’ve been leading the pack for YEARS. I know this is Reddit and rocket man bad but Musk has been slinging satellites up like it’s nobody’s business for a long while

    5. Healthy_Jackfruit_88 on

      Than maybe stop spending so much on stock buybacks and actually invest in your own company by upgrading your build quality and design standards. It’s not SpaceX’s fault that your product is not meeting standards.

      I seriously think there should be a public congressional inquiry into if Boeing is actually doing their job since we spend so much taxpayer dollars through subsidies on a company that is having this much trouble

    6. According_Web_8907 on

      What’s shameful here is Boeing continues to disappoint and yet they continue to exist without repercussions. I understand they are the sole American manufacturer of passenger jets but, there has to come a point where they either improve management and product reliability or, a successor takes over. But, with how they’re integrated into the USA government as a contractor, I don’t see them going anywhere.

    7. You don’t mess with the old guard. I suspect some corporate espionage against SpaceX.

    8. To_The_Moon90 on

      Hmmm, maybe if they focused more on hiring qualified engineers rather than cheap diversity hires, this wouldn’t have happened, and they wouldn’t be embarrassed….

    9. Correction: Boeing “executives” humiliated.

      Boeing fought hard to keep Union wages out of their manufacturing facilities. It turns out you need actual professionals to build rocket science stuff.

    10. Ok-Praline-6062 on

      Boeing did everything it could to stop SpaceX from starting in the first place. 
      There’s alot of backstory that gives this a great story arch 

    11. audit committee should investigate if BA is just a shall to channel money to politicians

    12. Phantomofthecity on

      Best case scenario for Boeing is that Space-X too cannot bring the astronauts home.

    13. Maybe spend less time on stock buy backs/board profits and actually put some effort into innovation 

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