One last call expiring tomorrow that probably won’t hit.

    Posted by AxemanFromMA


    1. Most regards win at least their first gamble. You couldn’t even pull that off 🤣☠️

    2. ColdBostonPerson77 on

      I lost 55k in a year. Almost back to break even.

      Buy shares, sell options, use premium to buy more shares.

    3. PrometheusTheIII on

      wdym “retiring”. Regard, u got obliterated, sucked, graped, and yeeted across the floor

    4. FeeImpressive8644 on

      Your dreams are over. Time to find another hobby like wendys bathroom stall glory hole.

    5. Are 0dtes truly 50/50 shot? Seems like it’s 95% loss no matter the direction of the index

    6. GotBannedAgain_2 on

      U will be back. Trust me. I took a break and lost little over 70K. Came back after almost a year and lost 5K immediately. 🤡

    7. VaracodElmelabes on

      Bruh I have just lost 1200$ today (all the money I had)

      And I felt so sad about it Because I wanted to buy a PC.

      Now I’m feeling like I lost nothing, I wish you are ok about it 55 it’s pretty much.

    8. Did you try everything? I mean you can borrow from everyone you know and sell the wife’s jewelry. Come on you can try harder.

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