Everything into Nvidia for earnings then back to original positions. 1377shares. Hoping to make a quick 10-20k. Technical analysis=sugma.


    Posted by Evening_Struggle_333


    1. Unusual_Elk_6868 on

      I feel like this isn’t yolo enough feel like everyone is going all in on nvda

    2. Putrid_Web_8080 on

      If you really beleive in it will go up why didnt you just buy during the Flash crash like 1.5 week ago, when nvidia was under $100.

    3. I think we’re fucked guys, when everybody is betting that’s going up, idk, it’s too easy

    4. If you yolo’d into options I would have called you regarded. But since you yolo’d into shares that would make you regarded.

    5. YeezyThoughtMe on

      I got a $136 weekly call today. Hope we run up tomorrow before close so I can see that and keep my other call on NVDA

    6. This is actually a problem. If everybody is already buying, who will be left to buy after earnings?

    7. Wicked_Desperado420 on

      This is my original plan as well but after seeing this post I am confident to sell all prior to closing

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