Gosh… why does AMEX ONLY waive the fee for Active Duty? Why not the Reserves as well? I mean, they are "actively" serving by attending battle assembly every month, or at least bring down the fee to half the price? I mean, they both go to basic training, and they both signed a contract for x amount of years to serve and defend this country and its constitution… **sheesh** >_<

    AMEX & Waving Fees for Active Duty ONLY
    byu/Low-Description4599 inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by Low-Description4599


    1. Because they don’t have to do it for anyone, and choose to for SCRA/MLA, which reservists (not on orders) don’t qualify for.

    2. Traditional_Bug1626 on

      Not saying its right or wrong on how they choose but active duty is 260 days out of the year (not including TDYs and deployments) and reserve is 24.

    3. Maybe they don’t think going to “battle assembly” once a month is akin to active duty service, where people work from 0600-1700 every day and live in the field all the time.

      You’re really living up to the reservist stereotype with this post

    4. Some are lucky and get it waived somehow. Most aren’t. I just changed from T32 AGR to T10 and I got a letter saying they were ending my benefits. I know another guy who got it on active duty and REFRADed a few years ago and still hasn’t paid. 🤷‍♂️

    5. This is easy, if you want that benefit go active duty and get shit stained 24/7 everyday of your contract and get that benefit. As well as working in more harsh non-osha controlled conditions and work more than 72 hours with barely any sleep and can’t complain because UCMJ!

      If you don’t, then you get more freedom and yeah Amex fee has to be paid.

      There’s a reason why you are a weekend warrior as your guys’ nickname.

      Not discrediting what the reserves force do and the importance, but active-to-reserve will understand what I’m saying. If you feel attacked, I implore you to go active for even 2 years and you’ll agree that fee is 100% deserved and reserved for active duty.

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