ngl, my initial entry into my 558 puts was the equivalent of shitting yourself right before getting to second base. i know how and why i recovered, but im very well aware of how lucky i got today lmfao

    Posted by YungSeizeless


    1. ryantaylor8147 on

      These had a very good chance of going to zero. You tripled down and dodged a huge bullet. 

    2. Whatever is made with ODTE is nothing. You will lose that in the next run. I made $5.2k in the first run, second run $4.5K, and finally, i lost everything after some plays. Now I am in Negetive. Fuck 0DTEs.

    3. QuirkyAverageJoe on

      Well, OP was ready to flush ~$10k down the toilet. Thankfully the market gods decided to bless him today.

    4. Bought $560 puts because I lost my ass by 10:30

      2:00pm hits I go from negative to buying some filets

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