The company I'm working for is moving to ICHRA plans for our Health insurace instead of normal insurance coverage. This is being done through a company that handles the ICHRA plans via an online web portal (which has it's own issues but that's not why I'm here). While going through the registration and sign up process there was a page requiring that I acknowledge that I had been provided with and read a 90 day notice from the company. I had not provided that, but they had it available so I read it and moved on to the next step. After going through the process I started looking into it and it seems like the company may have been legally required to provide that notice, and do do so 90 days before the plan went into effect (hence a 90 day notice). The thing is that they did neither. Sure I was able to accesses it through the middle man website, bit most people probably clicked through that without reading. Beyond that they only just informed us Monday of the plan change, and the change starts in October which means we did not get the notice in time even if having it available on the website we are signing up through counts as providing it.

    Is not providing that notice at 90 days out violating the regulations regarding an ICHRA? If so is there someone this can be reported to (preferably anonymously)?

    Did my company violate regulations for ICHRA's by not giving 90 day notice?
    byu/TOaFK inInsurance

    Posted by TOaFK

    1 Comment

    1. Full disclosure, I know very little about this, but in my limited research just now, you could contact your state’s department of insurance if you need to complain about the third party admin and your state’s dept of labor for any ICHRA notice violations (my assumption considering the US DOL has a ICHRA template available online).

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