Ouch my mojo hurts


    Posted by vogenator


    1. FUCK. Now THIS is loss porn. How long did it take you to give away all your money and what’s your advice to the regards on here who think it won’t happen to them?

    2. GetCashQuitJob on

      The sad thing is that nobody would have given a shit it you were up 100% either. It was really “death or one more year of comfy retirement.”

    3. HouseOfHarkonnen on

      And now Grandpa will tell you why you never stood a chance with options.

      – If stock goes against you fast, you lose.

      – if stock goes against you slow, you lose.

      – if stock goes sideways, you lose.

      – if stock goes your way but slow, you lose.

      – if stock goes your way fast, you win.

      You lose in 4 out of 5 possible scenarios. Now go and never touch options again.

    4. I’ve done this a few times in a casino. Most ended up total losses.

      This is Jacob’s Ladder 💀☠️🏴‍☠️🪦

    5. Traditional_Grand837 on

      Please don’t end it all think of how much money you could gamble in the future

    6. that remaining 0.03 tells me you gambled every single penny like a real man ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) regarded man but man none the less ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    7. HousingMachineBroke on

      Don’t worry just find a 201,730,400% play to put those 3 cents in and you’ll be back to where you started

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