Intel’s adjustments might be less drastic than the market thinks: Intel Likely To Sell Altera, Freeze German Factory Construction.

    Posted by Jellym9s


    1. I don’t know what this means, but I just put everything I had in the Stock Market into Intel on Thursday. 😂

    2. It’s heading to $10, they need close to $100 billion to build their foundry business and they got a tenth of that, if even that.

      Any funds raised from selling assets and profit sharing plans (look up Apollo and Brookfield deals) will not go to shareholders, hence $10 soon when Intel is picked apart.

    3. I fucking called this shit months ago and said in 2-3 years Intel will have sold off Mobileye and Altera and if they survive would be a much smaller company. I might try to find my post from months ago but writing is on the wall.

      I don’t know how much Altera can be worth though. Still if Intel survives this they are going to have to start cannibalizing things. Altera and Mobile probably net close to 15-20 billion which will be a nice cash injection.

      The issue in the future is that they keep delaying Fabs constantly whilst betting their future on it and they lost any good faith with the 13th and 14th gen debacle.

      I bet this quarter is going to be very rough because of the debacle.

    4. >Intel’s adjustments might be less drastic than the market thinks: Intel Likely To Sell Altera, Freeze German Factory Construction.

      i didn’t bother clicking this article, but both of these things mentioned in the title are old news.

    5. Bet they sell off Nand next.

      Btw Intel has been going sideways for years. It is not going down.

      It is going sideways.

    6. neutralityparty on

      Great for the stock in short term (might be nice for option plays) but will decimate them in the future. I wonder if Nvidia makes a bid for altera (although I’m pretty sure ftc is gonna block that)

    7. IllPurpose3524 on

      When the positive news about a stock is that it’s selling divisions that’s a pretty clear sign it’s fucked for the next couple of years.

    8. Considering the fact that Intel was going to get €17bn (!) in subsidies by the German government to construct that fab, I say it’s a big fucking deal.

      If Intel can not get it done even with massive subsidies like that, they must be in much deeper trouble than many imagine, particularly on this weirdly pro-Intel sub…

    9. Maybe they could just make processors that don’t self-destructive? I dunno, just spit balling here.

    10. Sweet so it’s going back up to $30 sooner than expected when the adjustments are complete!

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