Options Trader Spends $9 Million Betting on September Volatility Spike


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. Kimberly001Campbell on

      Looks like someone’s playing with fire! Hope they’re ready for the market rollercoaster. September might bring surprises, but $9 million is a hefty bet.

    2. You have enough money to live comfortably, lavishly even, for the rest of your life. Of course it’s time to yolo that shit into some options.

    3. DanielBandview on

      lol $9 million is chump change for volatility traders, this is betting for post Labor Day weakness seasonality and they’re probably still long equities for now until September opex. Regarded article

    4. cali-uber-alles on

      Didn’t I see a chart recently explaining how September typically trades below other months? Sounds like this guy saw it too.

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