Ok regards, time to take the profits or be a little more greedy?


    Posted by Minimum-Opposite-843


    1. Your rapper name is now, “Lil Pullout”

      If I was in that position, I’d pull out and not look back, then reenter after brief analysis.

    2. if you feelin lucky roll to next week expiration and higher strike, who knows you will hit jackpot again and make it to half mil ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

      THIS IS FINANCIAL ADVICE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. U know u can sell and just buy a 33/35 call if u think it goes up more… u will make more money if it goes up with a higher leg

    4. When you se money like that on the table you sell…even if after you sell and it doubles who cares….slow money is better than no money.

    5. There’s no reason to be excited about that stuck sell it unless there’s a catalyst you know about

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