Intel announces cancellation of 20A process node for Arrow Lake, goes with ‘external nodes,’ likely TSMC

    Posted by starbetrayer


    1. Enigmatic_Observer on

      Using that fat CHIPS paycheck to buy semis from Taiwan instead of making them at home. Bullish

    2. Please understand that this means intel is expediting it’s 18A process instead, which currently has a 60% yield.

      Intel is gonna come back in a big way.

      Step 1, with Lunar Lake, they already beat amd and Qualcomm in efficiency.

      Step 2, maintaining their server lead against AMD, which will be easy because Intel has regained the process node advantage over amd.

      Step 3, they will be cooking up competitive Ai chips with a process node advantage, and will be competitive against amd and nvidia.

      It all depends on them evading vulture caps and short attackers.

    3. I just read where Boston Consulting Group is assisting Intel and now their crash makes sense. Time to bail out of intel.

    4. Good, all resources should be focused on Intel 18A.

      They already have tons of un-utilized fab capacity from TSMC (was supposed to be used for big ambitions GPU plans) to fill all Lunar/Arrow Lake demand till 2025/26.

      Intel 18A is an important node not only for Intel but other third party clients such as Microsoft (will use Intel fab for the next AI chip) and rumored NVIDIA will use it as backup fab to keep up with demand (and a safety measure if things goes wrong in east Asia).

    5. TheDudeAbidesFarOut on

      Another hit of copium for this Reddit darling…..

      MMs are gonna cuck ya Dca’ers in the single digits.
      Enjoy your fucking bags suckers.

    6. How do all these news fare against Intel kid’s DD?

      He listed all the reasons why he likes the stock.

    7. Maybe they should just make a company that digs up dirt and breaks ground all over the place. Designing or Manufacturing chips aren’t their thing anymore

    8. So basically, Intel is becoming an OEM player.

      I would be okay with that news if marketing was their strong suit but its not. Intel is going to be irrelevant for a long time.

    9. Doesn’t matter too much . I predict the foundry business will be spun off, like AMD and Global Foundries.

    10. HIVnotAdeathSentence on

      At least they’re still spending $40 billion or so on chip plants in AZ and OH, right?

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