Alright, let’s get wild with this one. Buckle up, degenerates, we’re diving headfirst into Crayola, because why not? Ticker symbol? Who the hell knows. The stock market is fake anyway.

    Do you like colors? No? Then GTFO. This stock is for visionaries. What’s the only thing that’s been consistent since we were all dumb kids eating glue? Crayons. And who’s the undisputed KING of crayons? Crayola.

    Everyone talks about crypto, but do you know what’s REALLY decentralized? Crayons. There’s no central crayon authority, no Fed controlling the crayon supply.

    Crayola is sitting on a MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY for NFTs. And I’m not talking about digital art.. I’m talking about physical NFTs. You think Beeple is cool? Nah, fam. Imagine owning the original blue crayon from your childhood, digitally verified on the blockchain. Pure nostalgia. Pure profit. Soon you’ll be trading one-of-a-kind crayons while laughing at the peasants still coloring with them like it’s 1999.

    Some of you paper-handed fools might say, “Aren’t they privately owned?” To which I say: who cares? Find a way to buy in, or just YOLO on wax futures.

    Crayola isn’t just a brand. It’s a lifestyle.

    The hidden crayon monopoly
    byu/ZooDiet inwallstreetbets

    Posted by ZooDiet


    1. Becoolorgtfo512 on

      I’ve had a really rough couple of weeks? Eh Lets be honest… Life. It’s been. Fuckin tough. And I’m so glad I clicked on this posting. Op, thank you. My heart smiled and a weight was lifted. I’ve always hated money and have never understood how anyone much less everyone could agree on and give value to an idea that is a lie. Like why do we accept that these pieces of paper and imaginary numbers on screens are actually worth enough to divide and separate us so that we not equals. INSTEAD of COLLECTIVELY agreeing that we are all priceless and equal. Reality tells us without words that we are only worth what others think we worth in $$$.

    2. Stevemcqueef6969 on

      I ate too many chipotle peppers and I’m shitting all fucking night, this maniac is doing meth with a portfolio prob 2x mine. 

    3. Any_Influence_8305 on

      I went all in on CRAYF, Crayon Group Holdings. Already up over 50% YTD and with the wsb bump, probably 500% this time next week. Thanks OP, you’re doing the lord’s work here. I might just invest in Lisa Frank while I’m at it

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