I was in a vehicle accident August 5th that totaled both vehicles. I was headed north on Rt 16(White mountain highway) in NH when the other driver pulled out in front of me from a stop sign to cross the highway and head south on it. I didn't have time to stop or maneuver away so I stomped the brakes and still crashed into the side of him. I was going the speed limit (55). It took a month to get the police report but that was the gist of it as well. The other driver admitted fault to me,"I never saw you." but I doubt that matters. The police report basically just had a diagram of the accident. We both were taken away in an ambulance. I had my seat belt on but hit the airbag pretty hard.

    I had an expensive miter saw in the bed of my truck that was tied down but the force of the crash destroyed all of it's small parts and peices and bent the carrier that it rides on. Total loss. I also lost a week of work due to soft tissue injury and trying to find a new truck. I'm self-employed and need a vehicle to get around. I was lucky to find a new truck that same week. I submitted the accident report in State Farm's app yesterday. The other driver has Geico. I have assumed the other driver was at-fault based on what happened.

    Does anyone have experience with how long it will take the insurance companies to assign at-fault? Also, has anyone had any luck recovering lost income or property damage like my miter saw from the at-fault's insurance? I don't want to litigate if I can help it. The whole situation seem cut and dry to me. I couldn't have stopped for that guy if I had wanted to and now I am out a week of pay and an expensive tool. State Farm got me a settlement for my truck and is covering medical bills which I have no complaints about but said I would need to talk to the other guy's insurance for anything else. Any insights are appreciated.

    Dealing with an at-fault driver's insurance company.
    byu/xFishercatx inInsurance

    Posted by xFishercatx

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