OpenAI’s Next Model Could Cost as Much as $2000 Per Month – This Means Labor Replacement

    Posted by Xtianus21


    1. If this is true or anywhere near true ie, $1000 or $500 per month it means the scaling laws are holding and more data is creating more intelligence.

      To be so bold to charge that pricing means they fully expect labor to be outright replaceable or highly assisted.

      Buckle up because this may be a hell of a ride.

    2. Every headline about AI is complete and total bullshit until they show a product offering that _actually fucking does something._ The entire thing is built upon hope and hype and momentum. Nothing on offer is anywhere close to replacing humans yet and by all accounts, the development to that stage is a loooooong ways off, if it’s even possible.

      Is it going to start replacing outsourced foreign workers with chatbots? Sure. Will it probably be taking your order at Wendy’s soon? Maybe. Will it begin developing the next social media platform, fixing code without human intervention, driving your car or picking up your trash via the robot it’s installed on within a decade? Abso-fucking-lutely _not_.

      They’re just trying to get you to give them money. A lot of you are lapping it up chasing those gains while the macro sneaks up behind you with the lube.

    3. TheImplic4tion on

      Watch the call center industry. They are dying for this tech and will be one of the first adopters.

    4. AsleepQuantity8162 on

      I only use ChatGPT for one thing. Revising a sentence so it sounds less awkward.

      Ain’t no way I am paying $2000 per month for that.

    5. But can it suck its way from truck stop to truck stop? Ha. I doubt it. Plus I bet it can’t even suck like me so how exactly is it going to take my job if it can’t even leave these truckers satisfied?

      Thanks but I think I’m safe ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    6. At the end of the day, companies will not save any money. If no one has a job, taxes will go up to support individuals lifestyles, we enter universal basic income.

    7. Fluid-Astronomer-882 on

      I thought AI was supposed to empower regular people? Now only enterprises can afford the top models. Geez, I never would’ve seen that coming…

    8. Hard to imagine.

      People will just switch to one of the 10 other LLMs which are only a month or two behind

    9. tragedy_strikes on

      Press X to Doubt.

      Open AI is cooked, they’ve been delaying GPT-5 because it’s not meaningfully better than -4 and there’s no cheap/easy way to improve it.

      -They’ve already trained it on all the data on the Internet, so there’s no cheap way to train it on more data without creating it themselves
      -They’re getting sued by many companies/creators for using publicly available data without licensing it for commercial use
      -They are not profitable and have had to raise $100 billion in more funding to not implode before years end. It’s nearly all of Microsoft’s profit going into this.
      -The product might help some people with their job but it is not reliable enough to do anything unsupervised and you need to be an expert in your field to use it in order to catch it when it hallucinates. It is not an easily or cheaply implementable and widely applicable labour replacement which is the sole reason why they have a sky high valuation
      -This Oprah interview/event is a very expensive PR stunt to try to keep Wallstreet investors fooled a bit longer so Microsoft, FB and Google don’t get shareholders demanding that funding get cut

    10. DifficultEngine6371 on

      Yeah, they were close to bankruptcy a few days ago, no wonder they want people to pay more money.

      But guess what? Prices are determined by competition plus they don’t even have the best model in the market currently.

      Really, who the hell is gonna pay 2000$ for GPT when there are more and more capable models every day? 

    11. The promised AI that was supposed to give us UBI is only going to increase big corpo profit margins ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)

    12. As always, remember to inverse reddit. You don’t need to be smart to realize innovation takes time.

    13. IndependentPilot4974 on

      Been using chatgpt since inception. Was good, got better, got worse, is now rather unreliable and I use it cautiously.

      Can’t imagine they’re going to release a version worth 2000 per month.

    14. First they train the AI by learning what the customer service reps do and say. Then the AI handles calls but monitored and supported by the customer service reps. Then they get rid of the reps because the AI does the job.
      Reps training their replacements.

    15. Eastern-Joke-7537 on

      The chat bot at FB! Is a good typist.

      Wait, the lady from X Files doesn’t really work at the JeDgArHoOVeR hawt-line???


    16. OpenAI doesn’t have anything but talk until it’s actually publically released.

      Advanced Voice, SearchGPT, and Sora are all examples of this. WTF are they, months later? This $2000 bullshit is just more hype, in absense of product.

      Sam Altman comes from YCombinator, this kind of bullshit is EXACTLY their playbook. Pump and pump.

      Just ignore anything they say, until they release something. They do make some ok product, but they promote 10 steps ahead of where they are.

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