yo wtf pre market doing


    Posted by igloosauna


    1. ShotBandicoot7 on

      Interesting fact: futures trading pre-US open is a poor indicator to anticipate the respective‘s day closing price.

      TLDR: could dump harder or go to the moon. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. Necessary-Dog1693 on

      Obviously moon landing operation …. job reports so good that you have to apply 1400 times before get 1 interview.

    3. PresentationReady873 on

      As a man sitting on a 100% cash position I hope this comes to fruition and the world comes close to an end. Then when I’m back in it can get back to normal

    4. Longjumping-Bonus723 on

      Looks like after a insane +27% SPY rally there’s also the possibility of a downtrend……… kids

    5. It’s raining too hard in Asia right now and no one wants to buy into US market cuz media keeps forcing volatility by calling this jobs report “pivotal”, but nothing will change

    6. LittleHottie8675309 on

      Don’t worry, I have it on good authority (some heavily regarded, pipe-hittin’ mofo’s) that markets unequivocally cannot go down in an election year and absolutely will rally on rate cuts. 

      Literally free money buying this queso 👍

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