Posted by Imaginary_Advisor174


    1. Remarkable-Fox-1429 on


    2. FoxComfortable7759 on


    3. This is the fourth GUH post I’ve seen this week. At this rate my portfolio won’t last another two weeks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    4. What’s the problem? Big movements mean people on the correct side of the options are making $$$.

      Have we not learned that September is historically the most 🌈🐻 of all months? It’s okay to be 🌈🐻 for 1 month out of the year.

    5. youtoocanbeamilliona on

      Sold my NVDA 105 puts before Friday because I couldn’t take the constant whipshaw of the days before. Friday FML

    6. Commercial_Ease8053 on

      All of the gains I’ve made this last year on holding shares are drying up faster than a virgin at a Catholic Church

    7. barbaric_engineer on

      No mention of The Intel Guy yet?
      Well, let me rectify this. We have to remember our heroes in both red and green.

    8. Sold NVIDIA today, made 234% profit. Don’t know why I feel so guilty about taking gains 😂

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