Two weeks ago had a post where I invested 300k into Chinese Stocks

    Betting 300k on China Dip #scaredmoneydontmakemoney : r/wallstreetbets (

    Status Update: I'm happy to now announce I now upped my positions in China to 350k and NIO alone to 200k from two weeks ago when my position in NIO was 138k. My Goal is $1,000,000 in NIO by next year. I am maxxing out margin. As positions go up, i am buying more. Pandas strong together.

    Betting 350k on China Dip #scaredmoneydontmakemoney
    byu/Dull_Fly_7443 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Dull_Fly_7443


    1. GotBannedAgain_2 on

      Couldn’t find anything to invest on the US? U know like Crapple which actually has more potential than fucking Nio?! Nonetheless, good luck stranger.

    2. Every institutional fund and his dog is short china. There will be a massive short covering event when these positions are unwound. I suggest you take some profits during this spike but I both know you won’t and applaud you for your balls

    3. I have Nio 10 leaps and even I don’t have faith in Nio, well they were leaps. not anymore. been bagholding them all year, expire in january.

    4. Odd-Flounder-8122 on

      Dude has 350k an is gambling on stocks. Most Americans have no idea how to maximize their income

    5. Nio is looking strong, only losing billions net income a quarter in a crowded Chinese EV market

    6. PrestigiousWatch3194 on

      But why tho? There’s no American stocks u like? This is weird ass behaviors if u ask me. Which u didn’t.

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