In 2015, just 6% of iOS users reported having their phone for 3+ years, a figure that had soared to 31% this year, per data from CIRP.  And with every passing year, hype for the latest iPhone seems to diminish. 

    According to the chart, Google Search Volume For "new iphone", is only a quarter of its 2013 peak.

    Apple lost its innovative magic?
    byu/BobbyFuckkingAxelrod inwallstreetbets

    Posted by BobbyFuckkingAxelrod


    1. SmoothBrainSavant on

      I mean at some point porn reached peak loading speed and visual clarity, after that what else vould a phone do exactly that would need constant upgrades? Joking aside, until browsing the web slows down for whatever reason ill keep rocking my iphone 12. Just replaced the battery on it so likely good for another couple years. Id get only heavy users? In wanting the latest cameras would make sense? Im not smart enough to know what you’d even need to run to max out the capabilities of an iphone these days. 

    2. Frankly, except for the clarity of the camera, the only thing changing for the typical IPhone user is the size of the screen.

      A majority of phone changes aren’t like in 2006, 2010, etc where there were major changes between generations.

      Id guess that users typically only change now when they are eligible for an upgrade through their service provider, or if they change providers altogether.

    3. Lean about the S curve and diminishing returns.

      Almost everyone has a good phone. The batteries are good, the phones a immensely powerful and the screens need to be shot with a canon to accept a crack. There’s just not a need to change them often nowadays.

    4. Apple is a luxury brand nowadays. Unless you use it for work, its more a status buy than a real need.
      The phones of today are way to good to be traded yearly, theres almost nothing to gain from upgrading.

    5. Iphone is old news, every year there’s a lame update without any novelty or interest. Apple needs to build something new, amazing and useful, something unlike vision pro.

    6. There’s really nothing left for them to do.  At best we’ll get a ChatGPT Siri baked in.  At worst they’ll panic and start making flip phones.

    7. NY_State-a-Mind on

      Apple wastes $100 Billion dollars every year on stock buy backs, innovation died a long time ago at apple

    8. I think the biggest reason for this is that smartphones are now a “mature” platform. The first 10 years since the first iPhone release saw large improvements in hardware and software. I also think Apple is more prone to take their time to perfect updates rather than reacting quickly.

    9. Can you blame them?

      With the new iPhone 16 series just released, they have been using the same design for the iPhone since the iPhone 12. Same design for 5 years? That is crazy. And they only recently switched to USB-C because of EU regulations, a connector they first put on their MacBooks in 2015. 9 YEARS AGO!

      I’m deep into the eco garden (MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone Pro, etc) but I just got a Samsung flip to try something new.

    10. They haven’t been innovating enough to peak my interest and have me spend a fuck ton of money. I’m keeping my 13 until the day it dies

    11. Innovation? Like make it bigger! Take away another invaluable port! Completely isolate you from anyone who isn’t an Iphone user! What if the battery life were reduced–on purpose?! Yeah, that bag of tricks kinda ran out.

    12. spacecadet501st on

      Counterpoint, IPhone is a saturated name. Less people google it because more consumers are educated of what the new iPhone is

    13. I used to get a new iPhone every year starting with the 2G back in the day. When I got the iPhone X I no longer felt the need to update because it did everything well and the upgrades weren’t really worth it after that.

      I upgraded from an X to a 13 pro because of my jailbreak and the fact that I couldn’t keep using all my apps with ios13. Otherwise I may still have had an X.

      It’s just been stagnant as far as innovation goes.

    14. I like the mini. I’m not buying until my 13 mini dies or they come out with another mini.

    15. We reached peak phone. It will be sometime before we see a new disruption. 

      I am hoping for dockable phones that turn into full desktop experiences. Find it silly that I have this computer that is more powerful than a laptop from a few years ago and we can’t get it to run a desktop OS.  

    16. FillProfessional9005 on

      It’s because new shit has gotten more expensive over the years, no other reason. I bet if you went up to every iPhone user and offered them a deal where they trade in their old iPhone + $50 to get the new 16pro, every single one would do it.

      If you offered them a deal where they pay $1100 to get it, not so much.

    17. I’m reading this with a 11iphone that I will carry until I’ll lose it in a drinking night

    18. TBH IF they get siri to work great with AI then the new phone line will actually be an innovation.

      you guys are always looking for physical innovation. aka no more home button. or flip phones or “transparent phones please”. but in a 14+ year old product you just wont find any of those “obvious” innovations anymore.

      id love to have an actual virtual assistant that lets me do things on the go without looking at the phone (driving, running, walking) like a secretary that follow me and picks up my thoughts. thats innovation for me, but lets see if it works. thats what siri promised before, but was just so clunky that id rather use voice memos that i listen to after.

    19. 7777777King7777777 on

      Iphone wise you don’t see any significant differences from year to year anymore but that’s normal because iphone is a great product! You need to wait 5 or 6 years to see big changes! The next big change probably will be the flip iphone

    20. Apple’s only competitive advantage is the iPhone. No one else can replicate that versus their other products (like the Apple Watch or MacBook). If Apple doesn’t figure something out QUICK they are going to continue down the path of only being known for the iPhone. I recently wrote a paper about this for school. Their newer products aren’t getting much hype. They need another product that could be considered a “necessity” by the masses. Apple users are die hard iPhone fans and they’ll always have revenue coming in from that, but they need a new venture to keep their status.

    21. Safety-International on

      Moment of silence for the Chinese teen who traded a kidney for Iphone 4 and Ipad 2, could of at least bought APPL

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