Apple’s $3.3 Trillion Gamble on AI iPhone 16 Backfires as Stock Sinks and Investors Yawn

    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. iswearimnotabotbro on

      This shit is not AI it’s Machine Learning there’s a difference and all these companies are just ignoring that.

    2. Warren Buffet sold a chunk of his Apple stock. Rumor has it that Warren Buffet, who is self-admittedly a non-tech guy and is confused by smart phones (like most 90+ year olds) got a sneak peak at the new phone a month ago and not only used it, but instantly mastered it.

      Buffet looked at it and said “That’s it? My last phone is the I-phone 1. This is exactly the.same phone, just bigger”.


    3. This event was a big miss. But we still have October event, right guys? Right? On the bright side after the October event the stock might be worth buying at a discount.

    4. pointme2_profits on

      Backfired ? Did you think it was supposed to moon the stock ? It’s a necessary step to keep up with the phone market. And everyone else’s AI. You don’t want to be the only one without. It’s also not a feature that probably the majority of customers want right now. Imagine my car in a field of flowers. Oooohhhh, ahhhhh. Incredible.

    5. If you actually read pass the title: “Apple stock historically underperforms the broader market on the day of the annual September iPhone launches – the stock underperformed the S&P 500 by an average of 0.6 percentage percentage points on the 2013 to 2023 launches”

    6. Let’s decipher this clickbait garbage:

      $3.3 trillion gamble – the company is worth $3.3 trillion, where’s the gamble?

      AI Phone backfires – says who?

      Stock sinks – it’s green.

      Investors yawn – according to three twitter users?

    7. CryptosianTraveler on

      I think they’re overlooking all the silly people out there like me that would just like a phone that doesn’t drop calls all the time, with a battery that won’t fry their ass or need to sit on a charger 14 times a day.

      That and maybe an app that will track my movement for a month and then tell me which carrier will give me the best service for the best price after it tallies the data.

    8. slightlystupid_10 on

      down 0.05% and you call that sinking? I think the writer is down in regard!![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    9. Um, the smaller iPhone pro to have the same camera + a dedicated camera shutter button was exactly what I wanted in an iPhone.

    10. Apple stock always dips after an event.

      They’re not anticipating great iPhone or Mac sales, hence the AirPods refresh.

    11. Nothing better than a politically woke company with heavy DEI emphasis now yielding nothing in terms of innovation. But hey, it looks great for the camera…

    12. But it didn’t “sink”.

      Looks like Forbes had to rewrite the title because they spoke too soon. They reworded it “slumped“. Because it recovered.

      Typical announcement heebie-jeebies.

    13. Wait until the new ChatGPT voice mode rolls out with all new IPhone 16’s. Don’t bet against Apple. They will streamline gen AI.

    14. Negative-Look-4550 on

      How about a more accurate headline such as “Apple stock continues to go on a downward cycle, along with every other tech company. Conference and new product announcements has little to no impact.”

      Apple will be up, along with every other tech stock, going into next month and everyone will be praising Apple Intelligence and new products, when neither is true. Media will just find a reason to rationalize the stock price either direction.

    15. Article was probably written in advance and based on the stock price dropping following announcements in the past.

    16. Apple is both the best argument for capitalism and the worst. The iPhone wasn’t invented in North Korea, or China – only Capitalism is capable of that kind of raw innovation, but the planned obsolescence this company has been able to get away with is insane.

      They’ve been making the same phone with only minor improvements for almost 10 years now.

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