$QQQ Ok Nasdaq Looks ready for next wave down. Loaded roughly $10k worth of big tech puts expiring in 1 month.


    Posted by ElonMusksAlgorithm


    1. dualipa-duediligence on

      ‘geometric brownian motion’ future price movements are independent of historical price actions you clown 🤡 stop stealing crayons from kids …

      go look at deep-learning papers on the stock market, if those billion-parameters neural networks could barely find any pattern / correlation in historical prices against future actions, i doubt your m’gay’cd can do any better …

      the real arbitrage is in AVAILABLE INFORMATION, not HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE. market is at least weak-form efficient. that is, by combining ALL available information, indicative patterns can be found but not on historical performance (OHLCV) alone … for me, impossible * in thick Japanese accent *

    2. This time of year is always not great for the market, plus rate cut and election uncertainty. I do feel like we have some more to go but I don’t think it will extend past October. Unless we go into extended recession which would not be good.

    3. bullish ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

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