Federal Reserve unveils toned-down banking regulations in victory for Wall Street


    Posted by JPMorgansStache


    1. Advanced-Aardvark-87 on

      Yea all the banks are crashing down so in turn they will be selling off their stock holdings in the market not theirs . Ya know that when the banks were getting all that free money from the fed they were dumping it into the stock mkt that’s why we flew up so high and fast . Now they gonna harvest that money back.

    2. MiddleAgedSponger on

      This is the set up for the next bank/finacial bailout. Happens like clockwork every 15-20 years.

    3. OpportunityDue90 on

      Less regulations in financial markets are always good for the end consumers! – Time has proven to be false over and over again

    4. To further deregulate banks that are already notoriously under regulated might perhaps be the most corrupt financial decision in FED history. To put things into perspective this whole “deregulation” started in the 80s with Regan, and has now reached the point of no return. With the USD being the world’s reserve currency, these actions are a national security risk. All for the sake of blackrock/vanguard/etc’s dangerously bloated asset portfolios. The socialism (only for the rich) movement doing its finest work here.

    5. LETS GO GAMBLING! *great depression* “Aw, dang it!” *1953 inflation recession* “Aw, dang it!” *1973 oil recession* “Aw, dang it!” *1980s recession* “Aw, dang it!” *dot com bubble burst* “Aw, dang it!” *2008 recession* “Aw, dang it!” *Covid lockdown recession* “Aw, dang it!”

      Banking deregulation, what a genius idea that could never cause a massive backfire that results in the further consolidation of wealth in the hands of the wealthy all while demanding bailouts off our tax dollars! It’s not like our housing market is in shambles due to over investment of corporations like blackrock and vanguard!

    6. How much more can they tone it down? This shit is completely made up nonsense and the banks/markets can almost do whatever the fuck they want now. What a joke.

    7. It’s not a deregulation though, it’s a reduction to a planned requirement increase from 16% to 9%.

    8. All these comments are fucking dumb but I forgot what sub I am

      Not that I agree or disagree what is happening as I am not an economist or banker

      The proposal was set to raise capital requirements of the largest banks by 19% , the compromise is tp raise the capital requirements by 9%

      So the requirements are still getting raised just not as much , so this is not deregulation ; its just not as much regulation as much as was proposed

    9. sounds like the banks are in trouble and need less regulations to keep them afloat. Doesn’t look like the market fell for it, if anything, they see it as a warning?

    10. This is increasing capital requirements for banks by 9% instead of 19%.

      They are still strengthening the banking system.

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