I recently got my license and all state quoted $800 to be added to my mom's insurance on her current vehicle and on a second vehicle we are purchasing this week (2020 Honda Civic).

    Would it be possible to insure the second vehicle under a different company for a cheaper rate (mom being the primary driver and me being an occasional?). We received a quote from TD which was way cheaper for the both of us to be insured ($350).

    Thanks in advance! any advice would be helpful

    Can you have two cars and insure them under two different policies?
    byu/mahawibear inInsurance

    Posted by mahawibear


    1. Different_Fan_6353 on

      If you’re actually the primary and listing your mom as the primary, this is called rate evasion and could be considered misrepresentation in the event of an accident. If your mom is comfortable gambling with her financial future, then it’s a sound decision

    2. Sometimes. It depends on the company. Typically companies want all or non of the vehicles (unless they are like classics or high performance or something) and some won’t offer coverage if they aren’t writing all the private passenger.

      some companies don’t care but just ask the agent.

      Reason being is if your mom is the named insured on both policies it can cause coverage confusion on who is covering what in the event of a claim.

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