US real estate loans are reaching delinquency rates not seen since the GFC

    Posted by Spy300


    1. Lol, what the fuck happened to self storage in january 2024 specifically? why did that rate that was pretty much consistently flat from 0-1.5% suddenly skyrocket to 14.4%?

    2. LittleHottie8675309 on

      well, cred means credible and iq usually means smart, so this is credible and smart. Burry gonna print mint

    3. No shit. Why the fuck would anyone keep paying a loan on worthless commercial property? It’s the banks – and all of us by extension – who are going to pay the price of the CRE meltdown. And that’s just one turd on a pile of turds we’re going to have to eat in the coming twelve months.

      Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, markets about to be rapin’ errybody out here.

    4. It’s okay, with all that QE money out there and companies with an incredible amount of hard assets on balance sheets they’ll just be able to buy up the distressed / foreclosed homes for cheap with ‘cash’ and squeeze rent out of people and have the properties paid off in 10 years. Heck, a bunch of the corporate homes since the last round of ZIRP/QE are already 1/2 the way paid off by now, then they’ll basically be money printing machines. Serfs up my dudes.

    5. All I see is commercial RE and multi family (which also tends to be corporate owned and commercial). Corporate owned loans have been under water for a while and that risk has been known for a while.

    6. Good thing 1/3 of mortgaged homes are just investment rentals utilizing residency fraud. Keeps them out of this bucket with the pesky refinance at a higher rate problems.

    7. What’s the big problem here? Just repackage the delinquent loans in with a leveraged derivative of some high quality loans, then throw in some CDSs as a hedge, and brand the whole thing a AAA+ asset. There’s literally no way it could go belly up.

    8. Time_Swimming2295 on

      Are there included both home loans and commercial loans ?

      Since 2007. Banks are better capitalized…. So should it be good hmmm ?

    9. Lots of distressed multifamily assets too. The construction loans 2-3 years ago were cheap. Now at conversion the rates have skyrocketed and the underwriting didn’t take that into consideration.

    10. EchoChamberReddit13 on

      Good thing California started a program to help non residents with 20% down payment for home purchases. They surely won’t default and dip out of the US without consequences when the market implodes.

    11. QuantumCapitalTheory on

      Geez. 🙄How many of these mortgages are bundled into the CDO, “bespoke investment opportunities” rebrand after the GFC?

    12. This is commercial and has nothing to do with the residential sector that brought on the GFC. There’s no housing bubble. The only reason commercial spiked back then was because everyone lost their jobs and houses. This time, it’s just empty offices and won’t be affecting anyone livelihoods. They will just keep on working from home. The only threat this poses is to the fragile banks that are too concentrated with commercial RE.

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