After months of consistently losing money, I finally won big. Only regret is not putting in more.

    Posted by winnerchamp


    1. SillyWoodpecker6508 on

      Help me understand what you did here.

      You bought the contract today at some point and you’re selling the same day for a 3000% gain?

      Is this just because the market was declining in the morning and then rebounded in the afternoon?

    2. Nice! I thought I was cooked this morning on my SPY calls. Loaded up when it bottomed out praying for a V. Good day

    3. I guess u could put $1 into 0dtes every day for only $365 per year but if one of them hits, u get a couple grand…

      Anyone try this? 90% u lose the $365 per year but who cares

    4. Equivalent_Part4811 on

      I think there was a hedge fund whose whole investment thesis was buying way OTM options because they were almost always underpriced and very sensitive to change in the underlying security’s price.

    5. Bruh I ran out of day trade, I could’ve earned a lot of money today. I only got 300% from puts today, could’ve switch to calls ‘cause no day trades left

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