Just want to tell you that it’s better to generate small consistent gains than to try to perfectly time these trades. I’ve burned more cash trying the latter than sticking to smaller returns. I’ve only made it big time once and got cooked on the rest because of holding onto something that never happened. Yeah, I know it sucks to go see those contracts now worth a gazillion dollars, but hey, it could’ve gone the opposite way and at least you got something out of it. Anyway, fuck why did I sold those NVDA calls on Tuesday?! Back to you

    For those who feel like shit for selling their options “too early”
    byu/cesarondon inwallstreetbets

    Posted by cesarondon


    1. Burneraccount1718 on

      I have left a decent car on the table this last week but I don’t regret it because I have had massive losses being greedy and not taking profit. Now I consistently take profit once I hit my target for the day and then I am done. Slow and steady wins the race. Consistent profitability > massive wins which will inevitably be given back

    2. Problem with the smaller consistent gains is that when you hit a loss(this somehow always ends up big), it wipes out your entire gains![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. What’s fun is if you make $500 for every trade you make and that is once a week you make $26,000 a year. If you do that daily it is $125,000 a year.

      I do this for all my trades. After they get to $600. Set a stop-loss at 500 and ignore it.

    4. Honey… I’m sorry to tell you I’ve cheated on you. But then in my dopamine compromised state I leveraged that one girl to have 5 different orgies with her and her friends.

      But now 4 of their husbands are after me!

      She replies: Margin Call! And I already filed for divorce. Oh, and I fucked everyone in your office last night.

    5. Imaginary_Eye_8349 on

      Nah. Just buy 1dte and walk away. You’ll capture some gaps too that way. Watching is the deadliest way to lose. Or build a position 3 months out.

    6. A wise man once told me that no man goes broke by taking profits. You may not make as much, but sometimes holding too long causes a huge loss.

    7. Is it though? That one perfect trade is worth 10+ super consistent trades. I lost half my money in July and I’m still up massively on the year due to NVDA’s May earnings and a big YOLO.

    8. Risk management approves of taking some money off the table as you go into the green.

      You don’t have to close it all, but you should start closing a bit as you go up. Once you got your starting capital out of a position let the rest ride if you want. Worst case its like the trade never happened.

    9. ImportantPresence694 on

      I sold my asts options at 13 2 days before it was at 20 and a few weeks before it hit 40, oh well.

    10. When spx was down 80, I was looking at buying some really cheap EOD calls, then I thought, no, that never works…

    11. Yup … thats me. The problem is, I sell early when my prediction turns out to be correct, but I am just not taking any chances.

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