Jensen Huang speaking at Goldman Sachs Communacopia confirms Blackwell is ramping now and in full production “The world is on our shoulders”

    Posted by Xtianus21


    1. DryPriority1552 on

      I don’t know about the world, but SPY is definitely on their shoulders. SPY is basically NVDA now.

    2. Imagine being a bear and listening to that. Damn. Nvidia will carry through the next recession and lead us in a new world. Sounds like a real revolution happening lol.

    3. Timestamps:

      3:43 – The worlds trillion dollars of general purpose data centers are going to get modernized to accelerated compute.

      3:56 – Moore’s law is over/done

      *** 4:03 – the densification of data centers because these giant data centers are filled with air – GPU’s can densify data centers

      *** 4:41 – just the cables of connecting old general purpose computing systems costs more than replacing those and densifying them into one rack

      *** 4:55 – now, you can liquid cool the data center because it’s easier to do when it’s very small – this is energy savings

      5:21 – (host) is there an adequate return on investment (how do you assess ROI)?

      *** 6:53 – because Moore’s law ending we found another 2x in cost reduction and it hid the end of the transistor scaling and then all of sudden we already got the utilization and cost reductions out of both of these things- we’re now out – and that’s the reason why we see data center and computer inflation happening right now. The first thing that is happening is seeing accelerating computing. – (CPU GLUT and WHY INTEL IS HAVING SO MANY ISSUES)

      *** 7:30 – If you use spark and accelerated it, it’s not unusual to see a 20 to 1 speedup. You reduce the computing around 20 x’s. But you get a 10x savings. And it’s not unusual to see this kind of ROI for accelerating computing.

      8:06 – everything you can accelerate to accelerate and run it with GPU’s. That’s the instant ROI you get with acceleration.

      *** 8:21 – now beyond that, generative AI conversation is in the 1st wave of GAI – the infrastructure in the cloud is used for models and the return is fantastic because the demand is so great that for every $1 they spend with Nvidia translates to $5 dollars worth of rentals.

      9:37 – the days of code every line being written by software engineers are over. 23k employees can go 100x because of digital assistants.

      10:40 – Nvidia’s new GPU’s are 35,000 parts, weighs 80 pounds. When you rack it up it weighs 3,000 pounds.

      11:23 – If you we have to shift to another fab we can do it. (disaster recovery)

      11:50 -TSMC is the world’s best by an incredible margin

      12:07 – the fact that they can scale. Nvidia had a major hockey stick of revenue because of the supply chain of TSMC.

      *** 12:29 – In just less than a year we’ve scaled up CoWos capacity tremendously and we will have to scale it up more next year, and scale up even more the year after that. We use TSM because they’re great

      12:56 – what do you worry about? Our company works with every company in the world today. Enormous responsibility. We have a lot of people on our shoulders

      *** 13:35 – everyone is counting on us because demand is so great that delivery of our components and our technology and our infrastructure and software is really emotional for people. Because it directly affects their revenues and it directly affects their competitiveness. We probably have more emotional customers today than ugh… And deservedly so. We have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders. We’re trying to do the best we can. It’s really tense.

      ******* 14:12 – and here we are RAMPING BLACKWELL – It’s in FULL PRODUCTION – We’ll ship in Q4 and scale into Q4.**

      *** 14:40 – the intensity is really intense and so – The world is on our shoulders you know.

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