Posted by _thispageexists


    1. Advanced-Aardvark-87 on

      World wide people have been watching and waiting for the launch before buying in. 40.00 is not a meme.

    2. people thinking anyone severely invested in AST actually cares about a temporary drop. I bought in at $3 per share and I’m looking forward to the next decade

    3. Y’all do realize satellites have a period of time after launch before they are in their designated orbits, checked out, and functional, right?

      Hoping for the best but there could be issues that crop up during post launch testing.

    4. Can someone tell me the arguments for ASTS vs LUNR vs RKLB? Should I just throw change into all of these as they’re so low?

    5. overcookedfantasy on

      Just a reminder that LUNR sold off ever since they landed their rocket on the surface of the moon. Y’all are gonna be bag holders

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