This is infuriating!! I live in Iowa and have now had TWO vehicles totaled (in TWO months!) by reckless drivers carrying only the minimum amount of coverage on their policy!! The first was driving on a restricted license and hit my parked car so hard, they pushed it 20 feet and totaled it. The second was a reckless 21 year old who ran a red light while texting and smashed into the back end of my husband pushing us into a stopped truck in front of us, while we, PLUS our toddler, were stopped at a light.

    I am at a loss, literally. Our insurance has TWO claims going for totaled vehicles, both of which we are NAF, and I am petrified of being dropped and not being able to find insurance. We have underinsured and uninsured coverage on our policy, so our insurance has to pay out up front and subrogate from the other insurance companies and drivers at fault.

    HOW does this keep happening?? What is the point of having insurance if your policy can't even cover a collision you're in? Both our cars were newer, 2022 and 2020, so their limit in no way covers the value of our vehicles. This is a nightmare. I'm living in an actual nightmare. How is a 15k limit acceptable??

    byu/Basic_Statement_6484 inInsurance

    Posted by Basic_Statement_6484


    1. lobby your state legislators to increase the state minimum liability limits. they’re the ones who set it

      and since probably 90%+ of people call and say “give me the cheapest possible policy”, that’s what they end up purchasing

      it’s a very difficult political ask though. a few states have squeaked by minimum coverage limit requirement increases by deferring them a few years to allow everyone to adjust to it

    2. That’s why you have insurance

      I highly doubt your insurance will drop you.

      Remember they may not have enough coverages but you can always pursue them like some others do via small claims court for loss of use and such.

      Sucks but that’s why you gotta cover for yourself and not trust randoms on the road

      He’ll most of my claims we get so many uninsured people

    3. This is a question for your state government. They set those minimums, not insurance. Most people on this sub would absolutely agree with you – $15k in liability coverage is very low. Be thankful you’re not in a state with a $5k minimum.

    4. Head-Tailor-1728 on

      If I lived in an area with shitty drivers carrying shitty limits I’d make sure my policy was set up to protect me in the instance I was hit by one.

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