1. “I have a great idea! We should get into the high-risk / non-standard market! Our system will work better than everybody else’s! We’ll make millions!” – *Random insurer CEO*

      <time passes>

      “Oh God! the loss ratio!”

      <CEO takes golden parachute and retires to Florida just as the shit hits the fan.>

      “We have to get out of this clusterfuck! Sell it all!” – *New CEO.*

      If you stay in the business long enough you’ll see this cycle repeat over and over. Sometimes they quickly get out of non-standard like they accidentally touched a hot stove, but other times it’s a disaster. If nothing else it’s a good idea you keep it far separated from your core business so you don’t ~~taint it with the stench of the poors~~ incur reputational risk.

    2. Now I wonder. AmFam had positions through Nashville as well. I wonder if those positions are at risk with The General being moved to Sentry? I was applying here over the last 6 months for positions. Maybe I a glad I didnt get selected.

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