I got a quote from Progressive earlier for auto insurance in South Carolina that would've saved me a lot of money, got to the end to submit the payment and the guy said that at the end it was denied due to "too many claims" in the past 7 years.

    My LexisNexis report shows the following:

    1. At fault rear end (6 years, 11 mo. ago)
    2. Windshield replacement (2020)*
    3. Not at fault collision (2023)
    4. At fault collision. No damages/payout.
    5. Windshield replacement (2023)
    6. Animal strike resulting in $1000+ in damages.

    *For the windshield replacement in 2020, the claim was submitted, but being my first time ever having to submit anything like this, I didn't understand that paying out of pocket would be cheaper than my deductible. So I called back and cancelled the claim and paid outright for the replacement. The representative I spoke with today said that LexisNexis should be able to dispute that, but I don't feel like it's actually an "error", just unfortunate.

    I called and submitted the dispute, and they're reaching out to the insurance company to get it resolved with them, whatever that means. I know this process will take at least a month, which will drop my vehicle record blemishes from 6 to 4, which may allow me to get the policy.

    Main question, is there any chance that this dispute will actually be successful? Any previous experience with similar situations are greatly appreciated!

    What are the odds that a LexisNexis dispute is successful?
    byu/Most-Wave-5178 inInsurance

    Posted by Most-Wave-5178


    1. Depending on the dates you still looking up to 3 collision claims and a comp claim in the past 3 years.

      Your better bet to get a progrsssive quote and no guarentee this would still produce the desired result is to check and see if that animal hit is showing as comp or an at fault or not at fault. Carriers rate everything different and since everything is computerized they could pull something from a report that shows it different from what it actually was. I’ve had to call in for my clients when reports come back strange to the carrier. Ask what these are showing up on progressives end and if the only one your fighting is a 4 year old windshield claim then I’m going to hazard a guess that might not change their mind, although you can ask them your self.

      That would be a better thing then trying to dispute a windshield claim from 4-5 years ago but if your already in the process then stick with it can help a little maybe.

    2. I don’t think LexisNexis is going to change that because you did have a claim just no payout. Just because there was no payout doesn’t mean the claim didn’t happen. Like you said unfortunate but a learning lesson.

    3. Busy_Account_7974 on

      A reported claim to them is a claim. Paid, no payment, withdrawn, it’s still a reported claim.

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