A couple of weeks ago, I was parallel parked in front of a duplex waiting for my friend to come out. I was facing the main road, and I was maybe 20 feet away from a stop sign. A driver pulls into the road I was on and then immediately flips a bitch to end up in front of me at the stop sign. They were pulled out into the road with no turn signal on but appeared to be trying to turn right back onto the road they came from. I started to inch forward because I realized my friends house was the closest to the stop sign, but I stopped when I realized the car at the stop sign started backing up. I was completely stationary and the driver was getting really close to my car. I honked to give them a warning and they still proceeded to back into my car 🤦🏻‍♀️ we got out, exchanged info, etc. I filed a claim with my insurance as well as theirs, but I just received a letter stating that THEIR insurance finds them to not be at fault and that I HIT THEM. They said “I failed to maintain a proper lookout, and impacted the stationary vehicle”. I’m going to contact my insurance tomorrow to see how we go from here. Any advice?

    Car backed into me and is now claiming I hit them
    byu/Zealousideal-Fee3406 inInsurance

    Posted by Zealousideal-Fee3406


    1. Helpful-Assistance36 on

      This is a classic word vs word scenario… unfortunately the other carrier will of course side with their insured and the story they told them and your carrier will more than likely side with you and your version of events. Their really isnt anything you can do besides move forward with your carrier and have them fight it out with the other carrier. You will of course have to pay your deductible for your vehicle.

    2. Advice? Buy a dash cam. You kinda SOL as far as this one is concerned unless the duplex has security cameras.

      Just realize everyone is a liar when it comes to stuff like this. Being an adjuster has made me realize how little people care about telling the truth

    3. Accomplished_Pea6334 on

      Dash cams need to be mandatory in 2024. This is exactly what I am afraid of. Did anyone happen to have a Ring camera facing the street?

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