Down 64k after selling all my NVDA Calls right before they popped up yesterday

    Posted by rayrayrex


    1. So you felt strongly enough to buy calls but not to double down, and even more so sold? Seems like you shouldn’t be buying calls with paper hands or a strong thesis. NvDA did not change. The reddit sentiment did

    2. Genuine question. If you’re already down like 90% why not ride it out for a bounce? Wouldn’t whatever conviction you had to full port still be there if it was there when you were down 30% 50% 70% ?

    3. Genuine question. If you’re already down like 90% why not ride it out for a bounce? Wouldn’t whatever conviction you had to full port still be there if it was there when you were down 30% 50% 70% ?

    4. It’s all right. I just saw a Wendy’s jobposting in my area, shoot me a DM if you’re interested.

    5. Sad to see another person join 9/10 gamblers who quit before their big win ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    6. You need to be willing to hold to zero on options when they have already wiped 90% of your position. You have to hold to zero or hold to big gains. The ones you hold until exp that have an 11th hour turnaround always outdo the ones that you sold for a loss to recover some nickels in the long run. You just can’t stake your entire portfolio on every play.

    7. Not too familiar with options but did you sell too early to minimize losses? Didn’t you have until Sept 27th to sell?

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