
    I am located in California, and a few weeks ago, i rear ended a car going <5 mph. No damage was visible to my car or their car. We still exchanged contact information, but i left it at that and i didn't contact my insurance since i figured there was no damage. Now my auto insurance left me a voicemail just now saying that the driver filed a claim against me since there was minor damage. I am assuming my insurance is going to ask me some questions, specifically on why i didn't inform them right after the incident. Before i return my insurance's call, any feedback or insight into what to expect and how best to answer would be appreciated. What kind of consequences can i expect to face? First accident for me, so not too experienced with this. Thanks

    Didn't open a claim following car incident
    byu/Swimbikerunwingfoil inInsurance

    Posted by Swimbikerunwingfoil


    1. Accomplished_Pea6334 on

      Just tell them what happened. You pay for insurance for a reason.

      It’s very important to always report accidents. Your insurance has a duty and obligation to investigate any claims. Pictures tell the story most of the time hence why they always ask for photos of the damage.

      You’re good.

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