Sam Altman told OpenAI staff the company’s non-profit corporate structure will change next year

    Posted by Xtianus21


    1. they’re >10mil subs now so should conservatively be $2b/yr rev

      wouldn’t be surprised to see 5x sub growth too by 2026 varying on what rivals offer/charge

      may be a while before it’s profitable based on how much they must be spending but eventually if they don’t drop the NPO they’re gonna one be cash rich NPO lol

    2. I guess it’s legal but somehow feels like it should be illegal or at least have huge tax penalties or something.

    3. AtlantisDeSantis on

      I am shocked. Incidentally the evolution of their business structure will be taken as a model for future startups.

    4. I’ll leverage every cent I have, including credit cards to buy every share I can get my hands on.

    5. OpenAI hoovers up money, it is just a Microsoft-appendage-in-waiting

    6. Overall-Fold-9720 on

      Damn, I already lost my job to AI, my money to algos, and now you tell me I’ll be able to GAMBLE on AI ?? Son of a bitch, I’m in

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