My friend from Poland is visiting me in the USA for 2 weeks and wants to drive my car here when I’m at work. She has a Polish driver’s license. I’m worried about this if she gets into a car accident or damages my car.

    Is there an insurance she can get that would cover the damages to my car? Additionally, any damages to the other driver’s car if necessary.

    International friend visiting me in California and wants to drive my car – should she get insurance?
    byu/MangoHumbuh inInsurance

    Posted by MangoHumbuh


    1. Different_Fan_6353 on

      No, there’s no insurance she can get to cover your car. Insurance follows the vehicle. You would be held responsible for any injuries, bills or damages she did while driving. You’re taking your financial future into your hands when you let someone drive your vehicle. I agree with other poster, have her rent a vehicle.

    2. Sorry, I generally don’t let friends drive my car. If your car is totaled…you’re screwed and without a car. If there’s an accident, there go your insurance premiums up,up,up for 3-5 years.

    3. Don’t think she considered licensed in CA, I know Canada has a licensing agreement, but don’t know about Poland

    4. Even-Worth-3658 on

      Don’t let her drive it. Explain US rules. Let her rent a car and have her get the rental insurance for her own sake. If you let her drive yours and anything happens, she will be back in Poland and you will be the one suffering. It is also more likely that they will have a problem as traffic rules and laws are probably different here.

    5. You will need to call your Agent and ask. Some companies will allow this and others will not. However your policy is the only one that will cover your car, she can’t insure a car she does not own or have insurable interest in.

      Also any accident or damage she has or does will impact your policy.

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