College savings down the drain

    Posted by the-straight-risks


    1. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Good for you for fucking up a good thing. You had $10,000 and now you don’t have a god damn thing. Proud of you, bro. You took all of your assets, meaning money you can’t afford to lose, and you lost it gambling on options. As a broke college student, you just set yourself back several months to possibly a couple years. Proud of you, bro. You took all your money and pissed it away. You should feel so proud, you fucking dipshit.

    2. Chalk it up to a life experience. You’ll look back at this one day and think, “Damn. I once had $16.62 in my trading account, and now I’ve got $7.12” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. Win it all back!
      Start with a 0DTE $IWM on 9/18
      Wait for 2PM announcement.
      Go all in OTM.
      What direction? Fucked if I know.

    4. Particular_Routine43 on

      Could have put that $9k in to something like VOO and be up about 20% YTD plus dividends. 🙃

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