Hello , Newbie here .

    Been doing CSP and CC on ETF for few years and it works .

    Thinking of going all in for the monthly premium on a 2 Million account . How much is avergae possible premiums monthly ?

    50K USD Monthly from 2 Million Account ?
    byu/KK3552 inoptions

    Posted by KK3552


    1. OptionsTendieGuy on

      NVDA for ex. $2mm, $119 current strike, Oct 25 $130 call at 4.08 = 16,800 shares @ 4.08 for monthly premium of $ 68,500

      You must be ok with shares being called away and tax implications, given the large amounts

    2. With all due respect my dude, if you don’t know your average return from this strategy, then dig into your trade history and calculate it. Look at your average, median and best/worst returns per month.

      Everyone is different and goes at this strategy different and can have wildly varying results. The average return doesn’t matter, what matters is the your return on your specific implementation.

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