My 2009 car was just stolen, I bought it outright and only had minimum liability. The police report was made, but the law enforcement where I am is incompetent. They won’t look for it. Am I screwed?

    Stolen car on minimum liability
    byu/Double_R252 inInsurance

    Posted by Double_R252


    1. I’m not sure what I’m going to do, I have no money to buy another car and I live in a rural area so walking is not an option. Yes I work full time but now I can no longer find a way to work.

    2. My dad found his own car in our local projects once. He hopped in and drove home. It doesn’t hurt to look. Be carefull though. Here in New Orleans the cops don’t give a shit either.

    3. WhereMyMidgeeAt on

      Tbh most precincts don’t have manpower or money to go out and look for stolen vehicles unless it was used during a major crime or, say, was used to abduct a child.
      You did not want your insurance company to pay for a stolen vehicle so this isn’t an insurance matter. You will have to look for it yourself, use public transportation, ask for rides or purchase another vehicle.

    4. Yes most likely .   

      I always carry collision and comprehensive on my old car It cheap for old cars and it encourages your insurance to fight the other guy’s insurance in an accident. If your car is stolen you get paid. I have only had a few fender benders luckily. In most US states both the owner of the car and the driver are responsible if their car is at fault.

    5. Start checking your local city parking ticket website to see if your plate shows up. If it does, go to the last ticketed address with a spare key early in the morning like 6am. If no one’s sleeping inside and it’s drivable, take it and leave. Don’t forget to call the cops to tell them you are recovering it—if they can meet you there even better.

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