Last 5k is into month out puts for s&p500..

    Posted by Pleasant-Income2745


    1. Instead of trying to guess the top, why not wait till it drops then buy discount stocks which you could still miss the absolute bottom but still make money because they’ll eventually go back up?

    2. A wild ride generally implies upward and downward movement…this is a sinking ship. Welcome aboard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. notentertained90 on

      Doesn’t look wild to me at all. Your account never had a net gain. Looks like it was just a straight drop down with a few dead cat bounces here and there to give you false hope, much like a typical penny stock.

      Only would have been wild if you had recovered it all at the end

    4. This is how my Portfolio looked into 2022 except I lost an extra $1500 roughly. However since then I’ve bounced back. The good news for you is that you can absolutely recover from this, it’s not catastrophic.

    5. I feel your pain, 😂. But as other said…whatever you’re feeling…do the opposite, 😂! I use to think they must have it out for me…then I found this group and was like…oh shit. That is just the way it works.

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