About how much would a good starting set up cost that could be upgraded in time. Maybe with a laptop with a larger screen or have the ability to to run a monitor off of the laptop. I want to keep the space needed to a minimum now. No multi screens unless one is the laptop and one a screen that can run off the laptop. I just have my phone and a “gaming Chromebook ( so better than a cheap basic one) I don’t know if this can be the computer or if a monitor could be run off it now. I reall don’t know anything about the cost or even the need of multiple screens (I just see people using multiple screens) .




    Possibility to upgrade as I wish to put more $ into it and devote more room to to it


    Cheap computer set up for options
    byu/OutsidePerspective27 inoptions

    Posted by OutsidePerspective27


    1. What kind of option trading are you doing? You didn’t need anything special in terms of processing power. Large or multiple screens are nice, but you already said you don’t want that. If that’s not important, then your Chromebook should be just fine and you can add an external monitor if you’d like.

    2. iMightThrowawayy on

      Some people on here genuinely thrive with just the Robinhood app on their phone. Can’t say it’s a bad place to start

    3. You don’t need to buy any hardware if your Chromebook and phone operate correctly. I would save that money so you can afford risk management in your strategies. It’s more important in starting out to learn as much as you can about options trading than buying equipment. If you find yourself making profit, then treat yourself and buy a sweet pc and multi monitor set up as an “investment”

    4. Robinhood mobile app is the easiest way to sell cash secured puts and calls. The layout is super easy to navigate and much easier than any website from other brokers.

      You don’t need a laptop or any specific new upgraded equipment to start.

    5. Repulsive_Concert_32 on

      Learn to trade spreads

      Defined risk and “muted” movement compared to naked options.

      Small moves don’t change your P&L by much if any so your slow ass wood comp won’t effect your trading.

    6. I_am_D_captain_Now on

      I bought an ACER desktop open box from best buy for like, $800. It lets me do multiple monitors and i also use it as a media server for my house. I personally need multiple monitors bc i hate layering windows and am a little OCD so i like to have shit clean and compartmentalized.

      Its more than you prob need, but it’s good and will last a while if you go this route.

    7. LOL, you know most accomplished folks run their business from their cell phone. I never had the need for a bigger screen for options trading. Instead of the tool, focus on strategy. Don’t follow the fools blindly.

    8. Your ability to see multiple time frames in fast moving derivative markets is critical for your success. Think about that. Do it right the first time; or you will just have to do it again at additional expense.

    9. Mac M1 mini 2nd hand. 34-49 inch screen (look for old, 49 inch 2nd hand). Cant beat for price and performance imo

    10. macandcheesehole on

      It’s not the computer that makes the difference between profits and not. You sir will be losing money.

    11. What setup do you need to shop at Amazon?

      All you need is an internet connection and a device that can run the software of your broker.

      What is more important than your setup is your skill set. Once you know what to do, you will know what setup you will need.

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