My SO and I are considering moving in together (state NJ), so I quoted adding them as an excluded driver because we both currently have above average coverage and their policy still somehow remains dirt cheap, so we wanted to keep them separate. When I quoted adding them my policy (excluded) it was astronomical, so it led me to ponder alternative solutions…

    IF we maintain our separate policies and just don’t drive each other’s cars, but one of us happens to be an injured passenger in the other’s car, could either of our insurances deny coverage when they undoubtedly discover we have the same residential address?

    Excluded Driver
    byu/Lexi-Brownie inInsurance

    Posted by Lexi-Brownie

    1 Comment

    1. So the thing about this… is that you are likely to drive each other’s vehicles. What happens if you’re tired… you had too much to drink… or his car broke down. Excluding comes with risks and varies by state.

      Usually you would disclose that you live together and that SO has their own policy. If they have a good driving record it may not impact your policy much. There are lots variables tho.

      Being injured in the other car doesn’t matter as a passenger. It’s same as if any passenger.

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