Got into an accident in August. Lady hit me, she was at fault. Finally got on the phone with insurance this past week to discuss the next steps (getting car in, rental cars, etc). This call was on Wednesday/Thursday.

    Yesterday and today the lady who hit me has showed up at my house. I don’t answer the door to begin with, but once seeing it was her on my camera I definitely wasn’t going be answering the door.

    Has anyone had this happen before? Is there anything I should be doing? I think she wants to settle this outside of insurance but I’m not… considering she hit me and the damage might be minor, but I’ll need a brand new bumper and wheel well, and dents will need to be popped out of the fender. So it won’t be cheap, and well, I’d need a rental car.

    TIA, I’ve never had to deal with this before!!

    Is this normal? What should I do?
    byu/Alone_Guidance5825 inInsurance

    Posted by Alone_Guidance5825


    1. Savings-Wallaby7392 on

      Totally normal for her to try to go this route. But you have no obligation to answer door or agree to this.

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