Help me to figure this out. The benefits and the loss.

    Sell a covered put

    exp: 16th january 2026 for 61.90 credit.

    Buy a put

    exp 1 Nov. 2024 at 6.58

    With a total credit of 5532 and max loss up until Nov 1 2024 of $700.

    As price goes up and gets closer to Nov.1 roll it to a new further out date spending another $600

    Now you have coverage Nov. 1 2024 to Jan. 16th 2026 with a total credit of $4932. And can close the options at any point for a smaller profit as price goes higher.

    What are the downfalls to this besides having money put to the side for covered put.

    Would throwing in a purchase of a call option somewhere in there to pick up some gain from positive movement.

    Just trying to get what you guys see is wrong that im not seeing.

    Option help understanding a deep itm covered put
    byu/stewiestewsternew inoptions

    Posted by stewiestewsternew

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